SOC blog

#7 At what point does the anarchist show his hand?

I identify with Feyerabend’s famous principle of “anything goes” since science needs new tools, or to revisit old tools, to tackle never-before-attempted inquiries into psychedelics. At such an early stage of psychedelic science, we must try everything when researching these substances and see what works and what doesn’t.

#7 At what point does the anarchist show his hand? Read More »

#5 The shock of accepting past scientific anomalies while at the same time rejecting current ones

How do we account for many scientists’ acceptance of tried-and-true, and once anomalous, theories and concepts from decades or centuries ago, but they ignore or discredit current anomalies, i.e. the possible next big thing? It’s shockingly hypocritical, I just don’t understand it.

#5 The shock of accepting past scientific anomalies while at the same time rejecting current ones Read More »

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