Season 1 – Iboganautics

Season 1 – Iboganautics

As I mention in the podcast description for Season 1 Episode 0, I decided halfway through the first season that producing a weekly podcast is too frenetic for me. I need structure; I need order to the creative chaos. I restructured the podcast to be seasonal instead of weekly going forward. Each season will thus have an overarching theme whereinto all episodes feed with the aim of addressing a couple of main questions. The teased out theme for Season 1 is about controlling psychedelic experiences, a topic I discuss in detail in my master’s thesis.

To listen to Season 1 episodes, click the “Play” button in the podcast player below or search for “Iboganautics” on your favorite podcast directory (e.g. Spotify, Apple, Google; CLICK HERE to see full list). Please hit that “Follow” button to get updates about next season’s episodes. Also, click the highlighted episode titles below to read my afterthoughts and find citations of source material from each episode on my Stream of Consciousness (SOC) blog.

1.10_Phenomenology of the Ibogaine Treatment Experience_Steve Katsikas

1.9_Microdosing Iboga with Cannabis Method_Greg Lawrence

1.8_Socio-psychedelic Imaginaries and the Power of Analogies_Claudia Schwarz-Plaschg

1.7_Philosophy of Psychedelic Technology Conclusion_AM

1.6_Philosophy of Psychedelic Technology Chapter 3_AM

1.5_Philosophy of Psychedelic Technology Chapter 2_AM

1.4_Philosophy of Psychedelic Technology Chapter 1_AM

1.3_Philosophy of Psychedelic Technology Introduction_AM

1.2_Calisthenics, Control, Psychedelics_Rico Mesa

1.1_Action Needed Toward Iboga Sustainability_Yann Guignon

1.0_Welcome to Iboganautics


Iboganautics is a podcast intended for entertainment purposes only and all content shared on Iboganautics is for entertainment purposes only. This podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional legal or medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider or legal counsel with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or legal situation. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on this podcast. Neither Iboganautics nor any of its affiliates, sponsors, producers, guests, or hosts encourage the illegal use of controlled substances.

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